Pyrophore: John Whitehall



  • Pyrophore IFF: đŸŸĨ Hostile


John Whitehall has, or has had, significant roles in the following entities:

  • Christian Anti-Communism Crusade: vice-president; date of commencement no later than 20 November 1975, date of separation unknown1
  • Christian Democratic Party: junior deputy president, date of commencement unknown, date of separation between 5 and 29 December 20092
  • Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia: was the National Chair as of 1 March 20213
  • Western Sydney University: Professor of Paediatrics, Foundation Chair in Paediatrics and Child Health as of 9 April 20244


John Whitehall is an Australian paediatrician, professor of paediatrics, and retired Western agent of influence.

Since 2016, Professor Whitehall’s political activity has been within Pyrophore‘s scope insofar as he has dedicated himself largely to advocating against trans rights and healthcare, particularly their provision to trans children. By his own admission, Dr Whitehall has not worked with a transgender patient (“Professor John Whitehall,” 2019).


2016, December 15. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Gender dysphoria and surgical abuse,” by Whitehall (2016).

2017, May 10. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Childhood gender dysphoria and the law,” by Whitehall (2017a).

2017, May 11. Whitehall speaks at an Australian Christian Lobby event in Melbourne, Victoria, about the Safe Schools program (Urban, 2017).

2017, July 7. Family First New Zealand holds its Forum on the Family 2017 in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland, Aotearoa. At the event, Whitehall gives a speech, “The phenomenon of childhood gender dysphoria,” which is later uploaded as a YouTube video by Family First New Zealand (2017).

2017, October 30. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “The Family Court must protect gender-dysphoric children,” by Whitehall (2017b).

2018, July 24. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Experimenting on gender dysphoric kids,” by Whitehall (2018).

2019, February 28. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Conversion therapy and gender dysphoric children,” by Whitehall (2019a).

2019, July 11. The Catholic Weekly publishes an article, “Dr John Whitehall: Time of the ‘inclusion officers’,” by Whitehall (2019b).

2019, August 8. 2GB’s Ben Fordham Live publishes a clip, “Cricket Australia transgender guidelines the ‘death knell’ of women’s sport,” featuring Whitehall (Fordham, 2019).

2019, August 13. Whitehall appears as a guest on Sky News Australia’s Jones & Co. During the show, co-host Alan Jones asks him how many “gender-confused” children he has treated professionally. Whitehall replies, “None” (“Professor John Whitehall,” 2019).

2019, October 3. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Guidelines for the destruction of female sport,” by Whitehall (2019c).

2020, January 3. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Banning alternatives to child gender experiments,” by Whitehall (2020a).

2020, February 12. The Australian Christian Lobby publishes a YouTube video, “The new ideology of gender fluidity — Professor John Whitehall,” recording a speech by Whitehall (Australian Christian Lobby, 2020). The circumstances of the speech are unclear except that Whitehall is speaking from a lectern bearing the badge of the Parliament of Queensland, indicating that the venue is most likely Queensland Parliament House at Gardens Point, Brisbane.

2020, June 22. The Australian Christian Lobby publishes a YouTube video, “Prof. John Whitehall talks gender dysphoria,” containing a discussion on “gender dysphoria” between Whitehall and Alister Cameron (Australian Christian Lobby, 2020).

2020, August 28. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “The short march through the Family Court,” by Whitehall (2020b).

2020, September 18. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Gender-confused children and the law,” by Whitehall (2020c).

2020, September 30. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Labor, conversion therapy and Draco,” by Whitehall (2020d).

2020, October 9. The International Christian Medical and Dental Association provides a webinar, “Managing gender dysphoria in childhood,” facilitated by Whitehall (International Christian Medical and Dental Association, 2020).

2020, December 1. The UK High Court of Justice issues its judgment in R (Bell) v Tavistock.

During proceedings, Whitehall and Patrick Parkinson were both allowed to appear as witnesses for the complainant, despite having no relevant expertise or experience in the area (Crellin, 2021).

2021, January 19. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “The persecution of a doctor,” by Whitehall (2021a).

2021, March 1. Eternity publishes an article, “A new law threatens your freedom of speech and choice,” by Whitehall (2021b).

2021, July 7. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “A litany of ABC transgender myths,” by Whitehall (2021c).

2022, October 29. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Serving two masters in dim light: Gender guidance for Christian schools,” by Whitehall (2022).

2023, April 6. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Life-altering decisions and the adolescent brain,” by Whitehall (2023).

2024, January 22. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Puberty blockers: A blight on the brain,” by Whitehall (2024).

2024, March 14. ADH TV’s Lyle Shelton publishes an episode, “Kirralie Smith, Rachel Read & Professor John Whitehall — Thursday 14 March, 2024,” featuring Whitehall (Shelton, 2024).


  1. Fairfax Media Archives (1975); International Resource Center (1991). ↩ī¸Ž
  2. Nicholls (2009); Taylor (2019). Whitehall resigned after, and as an indirect result of, that year’s Australian House of Representatives by-election for the Division of Bradfield, which took place on 5 December, but before Nicholls (op. cit.) published on 29 December. ↩ī¸Ž
  3. Whitehall (2021b). ↩ī¸Ž
  4. Western Sydney University (n.d.). ↩ī¸Ž


Australian Christian Lobby [@ACLOBBY] (2020a, February 12). The new ideology of gender fluidity — Professor John Whitehall [YouTube video]. YouTube (Alphabet, Inc.). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Australian Christian Lobby [@ACLOBBY] (2020b, June 22). Prof. John Whitehall talks gender dysphoria [YouTube video]. YouTube (Alphabet, Inc.). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Crellin, Z. (2021, February 11). Two Aussie uni professors were involved in a devastating court case for British trans teens. Pedestrian (Nine Entertainment Company); Archive Today. Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Fairfax Media Archives (1975, November 20). An Australian doctor has become a leading figure in the anti-communist movement in the Philippines. Dr. John Whitehall, a paediatrician … [Photograph]. Getty Images (). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Family First New Zealand [@familyfirstnz] (2017, July 18). Forum on the Family 2017 — Professor John Whitehall — Childhood gender dysphoria [YouTube video]. YouTube (Alphabet, Inc.). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Fordham, B. (2019, August 8). Cricket Australia transgender guidelines the ‘death knell’ of women’s sport. In Ben Fordham live. 2GB (Nine Entertainment Company). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

International Christian Medical and Dental Association [@ICMDA] (2020, October 9). Webinar: Managing gender dysphoria in childhood with Prof John Whitehall [YouTube video]. YouTube (Alphabet, Inc.). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

International Relations Center (1991, January 11). Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. The Militarist Monitor; Archive Today. Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Nicholls, S. (2009, December 29). Nile party in an unholy row after byelection. The Sydney Morning Herald (Fairfax Media); Archive Today. Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Professor John Whitehall says he has never seen a transgender patient (2019, August 14). OUTinPerth (Speirins Media Pty Ltd). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Shelton, L. (Host) (2024, March 14). Kirralie Smith, Rachel Read & Prof. John Whitehall — Thursday 14 March, 2024 (Season 2, Episode 5) [TV series episode]. In Lyle Shelton. ADH TV (Australian Digital Holdings). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Taylor, J. (2019, August 21). College of Physicians rejects News Corp claim it will run inquiry into treatment of trans children. Guardian Australia (The Scott Trust); Archive Today. Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Urban, R. (2017, May 11). Doctor urges ‘watch and wait’ approach for transgender kids. The Australian (News Corp Australia); Archive Today. Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Western Sydney University (n.d.). Professor John Whitehall [Staff profile]. Archive Today. Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2016, December 15). Gender dysphoria and surgical abuse. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2017a, May 10). Childhood gender dysphoria and the law. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2017b, October 30). The Family Court must protect gender-dysphoric children. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2018, July 24). Experimenting on gender dysphoric kids. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2019a, February 28). Conversion therapy and gender dysphoric children. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2019b, July 11). Dr John Whitehall: Time of the ‘inclusion officers’. The Catholic Weekly (Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2019c, October 3). Guidelines for the destruction of female sport. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2020a, January 3). Banning alternatives to child gender experiments. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2020b, August 28). The short march through the Family Court. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2020c, September 18). Gender-confused children and the law. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2020d, September 30). Labor, conversion therapy and Draco. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2021a, January 19). The persecution of a doctor. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2021b, March 1). A new law threatens your freedom of speech and choice. Eternity (Bible Society Australia Group); Wayback Machine (Internet Archive). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2021c, July 7). A litany of ABC transgender myths. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2022, October 29). Serving two masters in dim light: Gender guidance for Christian schools. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2023, April 6). Life-altering decisions and the adolescent brain. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Whitehall, J. (2024, January 22). Puberty blockers: A blight on the brain. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 8 April 2024.

Article metadata

  • Revision: 1 (9 April 2024).
  • Created: 9 April 2024.