Pyrophore: Patrick Parkinson



  • Pronouns: he/him (presumed)
  • Pyrophore IFF: đŸŸĨ Hostile


Patrick Parkinson plays or has played a significant role in the following entities:

  • Publica: executive director as of 6 April 20241
  • University of Queensland:
    • TC Beirne School of Law:
      • academic dean, July 2018 — April 2022
      • Professor of Law, July 2018 — end date unknown


Patrick Newport Parkinson2 AM is an Australian law professor. He has a record of activism against measures that would expand trans rights or protections.


1980. The University of Oxford confers on Parkinson the degree of Bachelor of Arts with first class honours in law (Parkinson, 2020b).

1984. The University of Oxford confers on Parkinson the degree of Master of Arts (MA) in law (Parkinson, 2020b).

1986. The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign confers on Parkinson the degree of Master of Arts in law (LLM) (Parkinson, 2020b).

2009, January 26. Dame Quentin Bryce, Governor-General of Australia, announces the 2009 Australia Day Honours. Parkinson is created a Member of the Order of Australia (AM),

for service to the law and to legal education, particularly in the areas of family and child protection law, as an author, through contributions to policy reform, and to the community.

Australian Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2009)

2016, September 15. Parkinson self-publishes a paper through Elsevier’s social sciences preprint site SSRN, “The controversy over the Safe Schools program — Finding the sensible centre” (Parkinson, 2016a).

2016, September 23. Parkinson gives an address, “The risks to children from Safe Schools” (Parkinson, 2016b), to Freedom for Faith’s conference on Religious Freedom in an Age of Equality in Melbourne, Victoria.

2017, May 30. Sexual Health publishes an article, “Gender dysphoria and the controversy over the Safe Schools program,” by Parkinson (2017).

2018. The University of Sydney confers on Parkinson the degree of Doctor of Laws (LLD) (Parkinson, 2020c).

2018, July. Parkinson commences at the University of Queensland as professor of law and academic dean of the TC Beirne School of Law (Parkinson, 2020c).

2019, July 11. Freedom for Faith publishes a briefing paper, The government’s plans for freedom of religion legislation, by Parkinson (2019a).

2019, September. Freedom for Faith holds a conference in Sydney, New South Wales. Parkinson presents a paper, “Is gender identity discrimination a religious freedom issue?” (Parkinson, 2019b).

2020, October 1. Eternity publishes an article, “How your freedoms are being eroded,” by Parkinson (2020a).

2020, December 2. Parkinson self-publishes a paper through SSRN, “Sex, gender and birth certificates” (Parkinson, 2020c).

2021, January. Parkinson steps down as academic dean and head of UQ’s TC Beirne School of Law (Dennien, 2020).

2021, February 16. Eternity publishes an article, “Conversion therapy laws: Standing with Jesus against injustice,” by Parkinson (2021a).

2021, April 26. Quadrant Online publishes an article, “Tasmania’s gender-confused parliament,” by Parkinson (2021b).

2021, July. Geoff Holloway publishes a collection of articles, Australian perspectives on transgendering children & adolescents: Policy & practice implications (Holloway, 2021). The collection contains a reprint of Parkinson (2021b).

2021, August. The Journal of Law and Medicine publishes an article, “Adolescent gender dysphoria and the informed consent model of care,” by Parkinson (2021c).

2021, August 23.3 Parkinson makes a submission to the inquiry of the Justice Committee of the New Zealand Parliament on the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill 2022 (Parkinson, 2021d).

2022, January. Parkinson takes up the role of executive director at Publica (Parkinson, 2020b).

2022, July. The Australian Journal of Law and Religion publishes an article, “Adolescent gender identity and the Sex Discrimination Act: The case for religious exemptions,” by Parkinson (2022a).

2022, September 1. The Australian Journal of Family Law publishes an article, “Reconsidering ‘Kelvin’: Cross-sex hormone treatment as a response to adolescent gender dysphoria,” by Parkinson (2022b).

2023, January 26. The Journal of Law and Religion publishes an article, “Gender identity and religious freedom,” by Parkinson (2023a).

2023, May 20. Quillette publishes an article, “Fantastical beliefs in a post-Christian age,” by Parkinson (2023b).


  1. Publica (n.d.). ↩ī¸Ž
  2. Australian Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2009). ↩ī¸Ž
  3. Date taken from document metadata. The submission was published on 1 October. ↩ī¸Ž


Australian Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2009, January 26). Award extract — Australian Honours Search Facility [award ID 1139760]. Australian Government; Archive Today. Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Dennien, M. (2020, November 3). Law dean who was under fire for transgender comments steps down from role. Brisbane Times (Nine Entertainment Company Ltd). Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Holloway, G.M. (Ed.). (2021). Australian perspectives on transgendering children & adolescents: Policy & practice implications. Geoff Holloway (via Wayback Machine). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2016a, September 15). The controversy over the Safe Schools program — Finding the sensible centre [Sydney Law School research paper No. 16/83]. Social Sciences Research Network (Elsevier, Inc.). doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2839084. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2016b, September 23). The risks to children from Safe Schools [Conference presentation]. Religious Freedom in an Age of Equality Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2017, May 30). Gender dysphoria and the controversy over the Safe Schools program. Sexual Health, 14(5), 417–422. doi: 10.1071/SH17014. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2019a, July 11). The government’s plans for freedom of religion legislation [Briefing paper]. Freedom for Faith. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2019b, September). Is gender identity discrimination a religious freedom issue? [Conference paper]. Freedom for Faith Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2020a, October 1). How your freedoms are being eroded. Eternity (Bible Society Australia Group). Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2020b, November). Patrick Parkinson [LinkedIn profile]. LinkedIn (Microsoft Corporation). Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2020c, December 2). Sex, gender and birth certificates. Social Sciences Research Network (Elsevier, Inc.). doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3711833. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2021a, February 16). Conversion therapy laws: Standing with Jesus against injustice. Eternity (Bible Society Australia Group). Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2021b, April 26). Tasmania’s gender-confused parliament. Quadrant Online (Quadrant Magazine Ltd). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2021c). Adolescent gender dysphoria and the informed consent model of care. Journal of Law and Medicine, 28(3), 734–744.

Parkinson, P. (2021d, August 23). Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill: Submission. (Office of the Clerk of the New Zealand House of Representatives; New Zealand Parliamentary Service). Retrieved 9 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2022a, July). Adolescent gender identity and the Sex Discrimination Act: The case for religious exemptions. Australian Journal of Law and Religion, 1, 76. doi: 10.55803/F61M. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2022b, September 1). Reconsidering ‘Kelvin’: Cross-sex hormone treatment as a response to adolescent gender dysphoria. Australian Journal of Family Law, 35(1), 11–38. doi: 10.3316/agispt.20220927074841. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2023a, January 26). Gender identity discrimination and religious freedom. Journal of Law and Religion, 38(1), 10–37. doi: 10.1017/jlr.2022.45. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Parkinson, P. (2023b, March 20). Fantastical beliefs in a post-Christian age. Quillette (Quillette Pty Ltd). Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Publica (n.d.). About us. Archive Today. Retrieved 6 April 2024.

Article metadata

  • Revision: 1 (9 April 2024).
  • Created: 9 April 2024.