Pyrophore: Dianna Kenny




  • Binary Australia: ambassador as of 4 April 20241
  • SEGM: member beginning no later than 14 February 20212


Dianna Theadora Kenny is an Australian consultant psychologist. She has worked with the Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine, a clinical anti-trans advocacy group.


1975. The University of Sydney confers on Kenny the degree of Bachelor of Psychology with honours (Kenny, 2010).

1988. Macquarie University confers on Kenny the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in developmental and educational psychology (Kenny, 2010).

1988, February. Kenny begins working in an academic role at the University of Sydney (Kenny, 2010).

2019, July. Kenny leaves her role at the University of Sydney (Kenny, 2021a).

2019, December 4–2020, January 6.3 Kenny makes a written submission (Kenny, 2020a) to the Queensland Legislative Assembly Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee’s inquiry into the Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (Qld), the then-Bill for Queensland’s conversion therapy ban.

2020, February 28. Scholar’s Press, an imprint of print-on-demand publisher Omniscriptum, publishes a book, Gender dysphoria in children and young people: Collected papers on the psychology, sociology and ethics of gender transition (Kenny, 2020b).

2020, May 30. Kenny gives a presentation, Affirmation only: Where’s the evidence? (Kenny, 2020c) to the Australian Christian Medical Association’s online conference on “Sex, gender and the human person” (Jones, 2020).

2020, August 25–September 29. Most likely at some time between these dates inclusive,4 Kenny completes and self-publishes a paper, ‘The madness of crowds’: The social contagion of gender dysphoria in adolescents, governments and professional bodies (Kenny, 2020d). The context is unclear, but the filename of the PDF copy on her website contains the string ASB_submission, suggesting the paper may have been intended for publication in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

2020, October 21. The Archives of Sexual Behavior publishes a letter to the editor, “One size does not fit all: In support of psychotherapy for gender dysphoria,” by Roberto D’Angelo et al. (2020a). Kenny is author 4 of 6.

  • On 1 November, Quillette republishes the letter, “adapted … [and] abridged for a non-academic readership” (D’Angelo et al., 2020b).

2020, October 28. MercatorNet publishes an article by Kenny, “How can we bring sanity to the devotees of this transgenderism cult?” (Kenny, 2020e).

2021, February 14. Kenny makes a written submission (Kenny, 2021a) to the inquiry of the New South Wales Legislative Council’s Portfolio Committee No. 3 — Education into the Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020 (NSW), a bathroom, forced outing, parental notification, and Section 28 Bill brought by Mark Latham MLC (PHON–A/L).

2021, July. Geoff Holloway publishes a collection of articles, Australian perspectives on transgendering children & adolescents: Policy & practice implications. Kenny contributes 2 articles to the book:

  • “Opposing the teaching of gender fluidity ideology: The Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020” (Kenny, 2021b);
  • “The social contagion of gender dysphoria: A theoretical and empirical proposition” (Kenny, 2021c).

2021, November 15. Kenny gives a presentation, Psychotherapy for transgender declaring adolescents (Kenny, 2021d). The venue is not explicitly specified nor clear from context clues; however, the filename of the PDF slide deck ends with [...]Presentation_to_NAPP_compressed.pdf, suggesting the presentation may have been given to the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists.

2022, February 26. A forum on “gender identity in law,” organised by the Coalition for Biological Reality — Australia & New Zealand, is held at the Hobart Town Hall in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Kenny gives an invited presentation at the forum, ROGD, faulty science and social contagion: Origins of a psychic epidemic (Kenny, 2022a).

2022, October 29. Kenny gives this date on a paper, Number of children enrolled, receiving puberty blockade and cross sex hormones in five gender clinics in Australia, 2014-2021, published on her website (Kenny, 2022b).

2023, July 10. Four Corners, an investigative journalism series produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australia’s state broadcaster, airs an episode, “Blocked: The battle over youth gender care” (Karvelas, 2023). Kenny appears as an interview subject.

  • On 31 July, Binary Australia publishes a media release, “Professor Dianna Kenny responds to 4 Corners program” (Smith, 2023), including lengthy notes from Kenny “address[ing] the shortfalls” of the Four Corners episode.


1 Binary Australia (n.d.).

2 Kenny (2021a).

3 No authoritative specific date for the submission can be derived from any source published either by Kenny or the Committee; therefore, the dates given are those which respectively mark the start and end of the period during which the Committee was accepting written submissions to its inquiry — the document is most likely to have been submitted at some point between those two dates.

The metadata of the PDF copy of the submission hosted by the Queensland Parliament give a date of 6 January 2020 for the creation of the file. While this is likely actually the date on which the Committee secretariat converted Kenny’s DOCX submission to a PDF, to simplify referencing it is accepted as authoritative.

4 The suggestion of 25 August is based on the filename, which ends with the string 25_8_20. The suggestion of 29 September is based on the creation date in the PDF’s metadata.


Binary Australia (n.d.). Dianna Kenny. Gender Awareness Australia Ltd; Archive Today. Retrieved 4 April 2024.

D’Angelo, R., Syrulnik, E., Ayad, S., Marchiano, L., Kenny, D.T., & Clarke, P. (2020a, October 21). One size does not fit all: In support of psychotherapy for gender dysphoria. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 7–16. doi: 10.1007/s10508-020-01844-2. Retrieved 4 April 2024.

D’Angelo, R., Syrulnik, E., Ayad, S., Marchiano, L., Kenny, D.T., & Clarke, P. (2020b, November 1). Jack Turban’s dangerous campaign to smear ethical psychotherapy as anti-trans ‘conversion therapy’. Quillette (Quillette Pty Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 4 April 2024.

Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020 (NSW).

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (Qld).

Jones, K.J. (2020, May 28). Amid transgender pressure, Australian medical conference to defend Christian vision. Catholic News Agency (Eternal Word Television Network, Inc.). Retrieved 4 April 2024.

Karvelas, P. (Host). (2023, July 11). Blocked: the battle over youth gender care (Season 63, Episode 24) [TV series episode]. In M. Carney (Executive Producer), Four corners. ABC TV (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Retrieved 4 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2010, March). Dianna Kenny [LinkedIn profile]. LinkedIn Corporation (Microsoft Corporation). Retrieved 4 April 2024

Kenny, D.T. (2020a, January 6). Submission to the Queensland inquiry into outlawing conversion therapy [Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 submission No. 056]. Queensland Parliamentary Service (Queensland Parliament). Retrieved 4 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2020b). Gender dysphoria in children and young people: Collected papers on the psychology, sociology and ethics of gender transition. Scholar’s Press (Omniscriptum Publishing Company).

Kenny, D.T. (2020c, May 30). Affirmation only: Where’s the evidence? [Presentation]. Australian Christian Medical Association Conference on Sex, Gender and the Human Person (via Internet Archive). Retrieved 4 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2020d, August 25). ‘The madness of crowds’: The social contagion of gender dysphoria in adolescents, governments and professional bodies. Retrieved 4 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2020e, October 28). How can we bring sanity to the devotees of this transgenderism cult?. MercatorNet (New Media Foundation); Internet Archive. Retrieved 4 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2021a, February 14). Submission: Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020. NSW Department of Parliamentary Services (Parliament of New South Wales). Retrieved 4 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2021b, November 15). Psychotherapy for transgender declaring adolescents [Presentation]. Wayback Machine (Internet Archive). Retrieved 3 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2021c). Opposing the teaching of gender fluidity ideology: The Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020. In G. Holloway (Ed.), Australian perspectives on transgendering children & adolescents: Policy & practice implications. Geoff Holloway. Retrieved 3 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2021d). The social contagion of gender dysphoria: A theoretical and empirical proposition. In G. Holloway (Ed.), Australian perspectives on transgendering children & adolescents: Policy & practice implications. Geoff Holloway. Retrieved 3 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2022a, February 26). ROGD, faulty science and social contagion: Origins of a psychic epidemic [Invited presentation]. Gender Identity in Law forum, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Retrieved 3 April 2024.

Kenny, D.T. (2022b, October 29). Number of children enrolled, receiving puberty blockade and cross sex hormones in five gender clinics in Australia, 2014-2021. Retrieved 3 April 2024.

Smith, K. (2023, July 31). Professor Dianna Kenny responds to 4 Corners program [Media release]. Binary Australia (Gender Awareness Australia Ltd); Archive Today. Retrieved 4 April 2024.

Article metadata

  • Version: 1 (4 April 2024).
  • Created: 4 April 2024.