Pyrophore: Australian Doctors’ Fund



  • Entity type: Corporation; umbrella organisation; advocacy group
    • Domicile: Banksia, New South Wales, Australia1
    • Company type: Australian public company limited by guarantee2
    • Australian Business Number: 39 003 763 1843
    • Date incorporated: 11 May 19894
  • Pyrophore IFF: 🟧 Possible Foe

Related entities

The following entities are in some way related to the Australian Doctors’ Fund:


The following entities are controlled by the Australian Doctors’ Fund:

  • the Australian Doctors Federation, whose legal existence is as a trading name of the Australian Doctors’ Fund5


The following entities with Pyrophore entries co-operate with the Australian Doctors’ Fund, or vice versa, based on ideological commonality:

  • the Red Union: The Australian Doctors Federation promoted an event (Australian Doctors Federation, 2024a) organised by the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society, a Red Union constituent organisation.
  • Jillian Spencer: In July 2023, about two and a half months after Spencer was stood down but contemporaneous with anti-trans advocacy groups’ media blast defending her, the Australian Doctors Federation announced it was “in communication with” her in a news release which also amplified “do no harm” rhetoric against trans healthcare (Australian Doctors Federation, 2023).


Australian Doctors’ Fund Ltd is an Australian company. It appears to provide the legal personality for a number of smaller advocacy groups whose names are associated with it as registered business names.

The Australian Doctors Federation, an entity associated with the Australian Doctors’ Fund, has made public statements that could be construed as indirectly anti-trans.


2023, April 3. The Australian Doctors Federation publishes a media release, “Interview with a GP suspended over social media posts” (Australian Doctors Federation, 2023a). The release promotes an interview with Jereth Kok, who was suspended by Ahpra for expressing, among other things, antipathy towards trans people.

2023, July 26. The Australian Doctors Federation publishes a media release, “Australian Doctors Federation statement on the independence of medical decision making” (Australian Doctors Federation, 2023b), in relation to Jillian Spencer.

2024, April 6. The Australian Doctors Federation publishes a media release, “Is gender-affirming care evidence-based and ethical?” (Australian Doctors Federation, 2024b).


Appendix 1

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  1. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (2024b). ↩︎
  2. ibid. ↩︎
  3. .au Domain Administration (2024). ↩︎
  4. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (2024b). ↩︎
  5. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (2024a). ↩︎


.au Domain Administration (2024, March 26). [WHOIS record for]. Identity Digital Australia. Retrieved 15 April 2024.

Australian Doctors Federation (2023a, April 3). Interview with a GP suspended over social media posts [News release]. Archive Today. Retrieved 15 April 2024.

Australian Doctors Federation (2023b, July 26). Australian Doctors Federation statement on the independence of medical decision making [News release]. Archive Today. Retrieved 15 April 2024.

Australian Doctors Federation (2024a, February 29). An invitation to attend the AMPS national conference featuring Dr John Campbell and Prof Colleen Aldour [News release]. Archive Today. Retrieved 15 April 2024.

Australian Doctors Federation (2024b, April 6). Is gender-affirming care evidence-based and ethical? [News release]. Archive Today. Retrieved 15 April 2024.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (2024a, April 15). Australian Doctors’ Federation [Business name summary]. Australian Government. Retrieved 15 April 2024.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (2024b, April 15). Australian Doctors’ Fund Limited ACN 003 763 184 [Company summary]. Australian Government. Retrieved 15 April 2024.