Several Problems Weekly #3: 11–17 February 2024

This week, news happened in:

There was also a Several Problems Special this week. When I publish the article version on this website I’ll replace this paragraph with a link to the special.


Gomez-Lumbreras & Villa-Zapata on HRT

On 12 February, the Annals of Pharmacotherapy published a research article, “Exploring safety in gender-affirming hormonal treatments,” by Ainhoa Gomez-Lumbreras and Lorenzo Villa-Zapata (2024). It received an immediate follow-up in the Daily Mail, emphasising the scary risks of HRT (Morrison, 2024). Editorially, I suspect this is a “vaccine injury”-style scare study — it has a very small sample size and does not give an indication of the prevalence of hormone adverse events in cis people who take HRT.

Babbs et al. on trans emergency department use

Also on 12 February, JAMA Internal Medicine published a research letter, “Emergency department use disparities among transgender and cisgender Medicare beneficiaries, 2011–2020,” by Gray Babbs et al. (2024). While the paper to which the research letter is related is currently embargoed, the JAMA Network (2024) press release said the study results “suggested that transgender and gender-diverse Medicare beneficiaries use significantly more emergency department services than cisgender beneficiaries, particularly for psychological care, and those visits were more likely to be followed by an admission”.

Kalavacherla et al. on prostate cancer

On 14 February, JAMA Network Open published an original investigation in urology, “Prostate cancer screening update in transgender women,” by Sandhya Kalavacherla et al. (2024). The study group concluded that “disparities in [prostate-specific antigen] screening among transgender women may be associated with clinician patterns of care [i.e., whether their doctors tell them to] rather than differences in sociodemographic characteristics or access to care”.

SportAccord World Sport & Business Summit 2024

From 7 to 11 April, in Birmingham, England, United Kingdom, the SportAccord World Sport & Business Summit will take place. SportAccord is the umbrella organisation for all sporting International Federations (IFs) and organisations which work closely with them.

Based on the Summit’s media release (Lingeswaran, 2024; Sweaney, 2024) it seems particularly concerned with the regulation and restriction of trans athletes. Individuals featured on the programme (SportAccord, 2024) include World Aquatics executive director Brent Nowicki, who previously defended that IF’s ban on transfem athletes (Melnick & Carpenter, 2022), and Prof Yannis Pitsiladis, a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Medical and Scientific Commission who is at least perceived by anti-trans activists such as Jon Pike (2023) as an advocate of trans inclusion.



AMA 2023 LGBTQIASB+ Health Position Statement

On 6 February, the Australian Medical Association (AMA) published its 2023 LGBTQIASB+ Health Position Statement (Australian Medical Association, 2023).1 The Position Statement calls on the Australian Government to:

  • “urgently enhance access to beneficial gender-affirming treatment … including through appropriate avenues under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and Medicare Benefits Schedule” (clause 2.4);
  • “add sensitive, evidence-based, and community-guided questions on gender, sexual orientation, and intersex variation to the Australian Census, in order to better understand the distribution of people who are LGBTQIASB+ and thus provide appropriate services where needed” (clause 2.8);
  • “improve school-based sexual education curricula to be more inclusive of the sexual and reproductive health needs of people who are LGBTQIASB+” (clause 2.9),

and notes that “measures [of the size of LGBTQIASB+ populations in Australia]” through “the Census or other … research studies” are “widely acknowledged as underestimates due to the restrictive wording and criteria of questions,” and notes that “the lack of nationally representative data on LGBTQIASB+ populations makes it difficult for governments to plan and design appropriate health services for those communities” (clause 6.2).

On 12 February, ABC Radio National’s RN Breakfast broadcast an interview (Karvelas, 2024) with Professor Steve Robson, president of the AMA, following up the Position Statement.

Jones v Pesutto; Keen-Minshull v Australian Broadcasting Corporation; Keen-Minshull v Pesutto

Anti-trans organisers Angela “Angie” Jones and Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (“Posie Parker”) have filed suit in the Federal and Family Court of Australia against John Pesutto MLA (LPA–Hawthorn), the Leader of the Liberal Party of Australia in the Parliament of Victoria. Both are represented by Alexander Rashidi Lawyers, Bridie Nolan, and Katherine “Kath” Deves.

Keen-Minshull has also issued a concerns notice against the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), accusing the ABC show 7.30 “of making 11 defamatory imputations against [her], implying that she either is a neo-Nazi or sympathises with people who are” (Baxendale, 2024).

Pamela Paul strikes again

On 14 February, The Australian Financial Review republished (Paul, 2024b) a 2 February hit piece by Pamela Paul from The New York Times (Paul, 2024a). As this brought the article to the attention of an Australian domestic audience, I felt I had to say something about it, so I wrote a Several Problems Special about it. This paragraph will be edited to include a link to the finalised article version of the SP Special when I’ve published it.

This March, Australia becomes 100% more divorced

In March, Graham Linehan will reputedly arrive in Australia on a book tour organised by the Free Speech Union of Australia (McKenzie, 2024; Napier-Raman, 2024), which is an offshoot of the London-based Free Speech Union, and which was co-founded and continues to be co-directed by Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) research fellow Dara Macdonald. The FSUA says Linehan will stop “in all capital cities of Australia, as well as some regional venues” (Quattrochi, 2024).



Florence v the machine

On 15 February, a group of 36 law professors, legal researchers, and other staff from the University of Alberta and University of Calgary — including well-known trans law expert Florence Ashley — published an open letter, “Re: ‘Preserving choice for children and youth’ announcement”. In the letter, they “express[ed their] deep concerns with [Danielle Smith’s UCP] government of Alberta’s announcement of restrictions targeting transgender youth,” and urged the Alberta Government not to implement the proposed restrictions and not to invoke the notwithstanding clause (The Canadian Press, 2024).


Hellenic Parliament approves the Equality in Civil Marriage Bill

On 15 February, the Parliament of the Hellenes2 approved the bill Άρση διακρίσεων λόγω φύλου στο Οικογενειακό Δίκαιο, κατοχύρωση δικαιώματος γάμου για όλα τα πρόσωπα και αναγκαίες προσαρμογές της νομοθεσίας Ársi diakríseon lógo fylou sto Oikogeneiakó Díkaio, katochyrosi dikaiómatos gámou gia óla ta prósopa kai anankaíes prosarmogés tis nomosthesías (Eliminating gender discrimination in Family Law, guaranteeing the right to marry for all persons and necessary adjustments to the legislation) — called by Australian media the Equality in Civil Marriage Bill (Plaskasovitis, 2024). The bill was supported by 176 of 300 MPs, including, among others (ibid.),

  • Συνασπισμός Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς – Προοδευτική Συμμαχία Synaspismós Rizospastikés Aristerás — Proodeftiké Simachía (SYRIZA; “Coalition of the Radical Left — Progressive Alliance”);
  • Πλεύση Ελευθερίας Plefsi Eleftherías (“Course of Freedom”),

and was opposed by, among others (Paphitis, 2024),

  • the Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας Kommounistikó Kómma Elládas (KKE; “Communist Party of Greece”);
  • Σπαρτιάτες Spartiátes (“Spartans”), which is a de facto successor to the internationally better-known Golden Dawn (Fallon, 2023).

Outside Parliament, the bill was also opposed by the Church of Greece, the main Eastern Orthodox church in Greece (Paphitis, op. cit.).

While the Bill gives full parental rights to married same-gender partners who have children, it does not allow them to become parents through surrogacy. It also does not make any provision for trans people (Paphitis, op. cit.).



Hate violence in Nizamabad and Kamareddy

In Nizamabad, a 50-year-old trans person was lynched by a group believed to have been motivated by rumours about the kidnapping of children in the area. In Kamareddy, 2 cis women conducting a survey were mistakenly clocked as trans and consequently barely avoided a similar attack (Basheer, 2024).


HRW reports on Nepali gender recognition; assessment scathing

On 15 February 2024, Human Rights Watch published a report, “We have to beg so many people”: Human rights violations in Nepal’s legal gender recognition practices (Knight, 2024). According to the accompanying press release (Human Rights Watch, 2024), major issues with the gender recognition process in Nepal include:

  • that the Government of Nepal has been delinquent in implementing the 2008 order of the Supreme Court of Nepal pursuant to Pant v Nepal (2007), which required the Government to legally recognise a third gender category based on self-ID;
  • that Nepali authorities commonly deny correct documentation to trans people, or deceive or mislead them about the requirements to be eligible for it;
  • that Nepali trans women are commonly forced to undergo “an invasive and humiliating physical exam in a medical setting” in order to be legally recognised as female.

United Kingdom


Lords debate Conversion Therapy Prohibition Bill

On 9 February, in the House of Lords, the Conversion Therapy Prohibition (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Bill 2023 reached the second reading stage. It was subsequently referred to the Committee of the Whole House, which is normal in the House of Lords.

England and Wales

Transphobic knife attack in Wealdstone

On Saturday 10 February at 7pm, at a birthday party at the Harrow Leasure Centre in Wealdstone, London (Padgett, 2024), a 19-year-old cis woman (whose name I am not providing) attacked an 18-year-old trans woman who has not been identified, stabbing her 14 times. The victim was hospitalised and survived (Kirk, 2024), and had been discharged as of 13 February (Shields, 2024). The Metropolitan Police (2024) have confirmed they are treating the attack as a transphobic hate crime.


Simon Fanshawe elected Rector at Edinburgh

On Tuesday 13 February, the University of Edinburgh (2024) announced that Simon Fanshawe OBE had been elected unopposed as the University’s Rector, having filed the only valid nomination for the post.

As the University’s announcement notes, Fanshawe is one of the six co-founders of Stonewall. As the University’s announcement does not note, Fanshawe is an outspoken anti-trans activist. in 2019, he joined an open letter to The Sunday Times with a number of other anti-trans activists, including Julie Bindel, Stephanie Davies-Arai (Transgender Trend), Kate Harris and Bev Jackson (both LGB Alliance), Jane Clare Jones, Kathleen Stock, and Miranda Yardley, which accused Stonewall of undermining “women’s sex-based rights and protections” (Best et al., 2019). In 2022, Fanshawe penned an anti-Stonewall hit piece for the Daily Mail, in which he accused Stonewall of “preach[ing] extreme and divisive gender ideology … fast eroding women’s rights and their protection … [and] posing a potential risk to children” (Fanshawe, 2022).

United States


Donald Trump rails against “transgender insanity”

On 11 February, former US President Donald Trump, who is currently considered the frontrunner for the Republican nomination (Reid et al., 2024), held a campaign rally in Conway, South Carolina. During the rally, he told the crowd that if elected, he would sign an executive order to cut federal funding “for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto the lives of our children” (Tomazin, 2024).

HRC/UConn 2024 Black LGBTQ+ Youth Report published

On 14 February, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation in partnership with the University of Connecticut published the 2024 Black LGBTQ+ Youth Report (Fiohr et al., 2024). The report polled 1,200 Black LGBTQ+ kids aged 13 to 17 inclusive from across the United States (Keller, 2024). I strongly recommend taking the time to read it.

M.C. v. Indiana Department of Child Services

On 15 February, in the Supreme Court of the United States, attorneys for Mary and Jeremy Cox filed a reply brief seeking to appeal the Indiana Supreme Court’s ruling in M.C. v. Indiana Department of Child Services. Plaintiffs Cox and Cox are Catholics who lost custody of their trans daughter partly because they persistently deadnamed and misgendered her (“Parents turn to Supreme Court,” 2024).

Medical Licensing Board v. K.C.

On 16 February, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit heard oral arguments in Medical Licensing Board v. K.C., appealed from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division. The District Court previously issued an injunction blocking Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 480, Indiana’s ban on gender-affirming care for people under 18, from going into effect. The Board is asking the Seventh Circuit to overturn that injunction and allow SEA 480 to take effect.


Kent v. Children’s Hospital Colorado

On 14 February, in the Colorado District Court in Denver, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Colorado filed suit against Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHCO), on behalf of Caden Kent (a pseudonym). Plaintiff Kent alleges that on or about 13 July 2023, CHCO abruptly and “without warning, notice, or plans for ensuring continuity of care” (American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, 2024) adopted a policy of refusing to provide medically necessary gender-affirming surgery to trans patients, and cancelled all pending surgeries, including Kent’s. He further alleges that CHCO continues to provide these interventions to cis patients. He contends that CHCO’s conduct “unlawfully discriminates on the basis of sex, gender identity, gender expression, and disability in violation of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act”. Kent is seeking:

  • declaratory relief — “an order finding that CHCO discriminated against Plaintiff on the basis of his sex, gender identity, gender expression, and disability”;
  • injunctive relief — “an injunction and order requiring CHCO’s compliance with [the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act]”;
  • damages;
  • costs.


SB 88

On 14 February, the Education and Youth Committee of the Georgia Senate approved Senate Bill (SB) 88. If passed by the Georgia General Assembly, SB 88 will require private schools to obtain written permission from “each parent of each child who will participate” before instruction “addressing issues of gender identity, queer theory, gender ideology, or gender transition” (lines 77–78).


HF 2389

On 13 February, the Education Committee of the Iowa House of Representatives amended House File (HF) 2389. As noted in SP Weekly #2, HSB 649, Governor Kim Reynolds’ initial proposal for HF 2389, would have allowed trans people to change their gender markers on their drivers’ licenses only to include both their assigned sex and their (binary) gender, i.e., “M–F” for transfeminine people or “F–M” for transmasculine people. The House Education Committee amended it to remove that requirement (Opsahl, 2024a).

In addition, Iowa Capital Dispatch reportage on HF 2389 quoted advice from attorney Breanna Young, who said that the definition of “female” used in the bill would exclude cis women who have medical conditions that prevent them from producing ova. This includes women with, for example, polycystic ovary syndrome (Opsahl, 2024b).


HB 2791, HB 2792, HB 2793

On 14 February, the Committee on Appropriations of the Kansas House of Representatives referred two bills back to the House Committee on Health and Human Services (“House HHS Committee”):

  • House Bill (HB) 2791, which would ban any organisation that receives state funds from recommending gender-affirming care for trans people under the age of 18;
  • HB 2792, which would prohibit all gender-affirming surgical intervention for people under the age of 18, and would institute the outdated 2017 Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline (Hembree et al., 2017) as the legally binding standard for all other gender-affirming care (Mipro, 2024).

The House HHS Committee, for its part, also held hearings on HB 2793, which prohibits the provision of healthcare services to minors without the consent of their parents — any healthcare services, including in emergency or crisis situations such as mental health crises or physical or sexual abuse (Mipro, op. cit.).


SB 119

On 15 February, the Finance Committee of the Maryland Senate held a hearing on SB 119, which

would make Maryland a sanctuary state for transgender individuals and providers fleeing other states. The bill would add gender-affirming care to a law passed last year that shields abortion patients and providers from out-of-state prosecution and investigations”.

Reed (2024)


Montana v. Van Garderen

On 9 February, in the Montana Supreme Court, the State of Montana filed its opening brief in Montana v. Van Garderen. Last year, the state District Court issued an injunction blocking SB 99 of 2023, Montana’s ban on gender-affirming care for people under 18, from going into effect. The State, appellant, is asking the state Supreme Court to overturn the injunction and allow SB 99 to take effect (Miller, 2024).

New Mexico

Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico launches Casa Lola

In Albuquerque, the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico is opening Casa Lola, a transitional housing program that will allow 6 people to live in a home, rent free, for up to 18 months (Sosa, 2024).

North Carolina

Mark Robinson back at it again (“it” is fascism)

On 3 February, at a campaign stop in Cary, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson (R), who is considered the frontrunner in the Republican gubernatorial primary in early March, advocated for violence against trans women. Specifically, media quoted him as saying:

If you’re a man on Friday night, and all the sudden on Saturday you feel like a woman, and you want to go in the women’s bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested — or whatever we got to do to you. We got to protect our women.

Leslie (2024), for WRAL

— and separately:

If you are confused [about which bathroom to use], find a corner outside somewhere. I’m sorry, we’re not tearing down society because of this.

Robertson (2024), for The Hill

This is not new behaviour for Robinson, who has previously:

  • said that people “who support this mass delusion called transgenderism” are trying “to turn God’s creation backwards, and make it into a sickening image of rebellion to glorify Satan”;
  • promoted the fascist conspiracy theory that former First Lady Michelle Obama is a trans woman (Campbell, 2020);
  • in June 2021, told a Baptist Church in Seagrove that “there’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality — any of that filth” (Yurcaba, 2021).

He also says cultural acceptance of queer people is “part of a slide toward pedophilia and ‘the end of civilisation as we know it’,” (Fain, 2020), denies anthropogenic climate change, and denies the Holocaust (Campbell, op. cit.).


HB 3219

On 14 February, the General Government Committee of the Oklahoma House of Representatives referred HB 3219 to the house with a “do pass” recommendation. If passed, HB 3219 would prohibit the amendment of sex on Oklahoma birth certificates (Ferguson, 2024).


Perkiomen Valley School Board rescinds Policy 720

In Montgomery County, the Perkiomen Valley School Board voted to rescind Policy 720, enacted by a Republican-majority board in October 2023. Policy 720 stipulated that students, staff, and visitors at any of the district’s buildings were only allowed to use bathrooms corresponding to their assigned sex at birth (Assunção, 2024).


Lakewood Church mass shooting

In Houston, a shooting took place at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, injuring a middle-aged man (Williams et al., 2024). The shooter herself was killed by responding police officers, who also shot her 7-year-old son in the head, apparently non-fatally (Faguy, 2024).

Right-wing misinformation networks instantly started promoting the intentionally false narrative that the shooter was trans, despite the near-immediate and clear dismissal of that claim by investigators (Stanton, 2024). The pretext was the previous use of a masculine name in the context of forgery by the shooter, who was a cis woman (Drennen, 2024).

Participants in the disinformation effort included:


Cline transvestigates a cis kid, pays the price

Continuing a story reported in SP Weekly #2, the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has officially censured Board Member Natalie Cline (R–District 11), who made the mistake of transvestigating a cis girl where people could see her. While the USBE cannot currently expel Cline, Axios Salt Lake City reports that the State of Utah is investigating potentially impeaching Cline in the Legislature, or empowering the USBE to impeach her (Bojórquez, 2024).

In the meantime, however, the Board has requested that Cline resign from the Board by 19 February, and announced that, pursuant to Board policy and bylaws, “she will be removed from all committee assignments, not be allowed to place items on upcoming Board agendas, and prohibited from attending any Board advisory committee meetings” (Utah State Board of Education, 2024). Cline (2024), for her part, has claimed that the disciplinary measures “constitute election interference” and that the Board is denying her “appropriate due process … that must be afforded me”.


Shenandoah County School Board adopts 2023 Model Policies

The Shenandoah County School Board has voted to adopt the Youngkin administration’s Model policies on ensuring privacy, dignity, and respect for all students and parents in Virginia’s public schools (2023 Model Policies). As a result, Shenandoah County public school students will be required to use restrooms and join sports teams that correspond with the gender they were assigned at birth. School staff must also refer to students by the names and pronouns on their official records (13News Now, 2024).

Doe v. VDOE; Loe v. VDOE

On 15 February, in the Virginia 9th and 15th Circuit Courts, the ACLU of Virginia filed suit separately on behalf of two different plaintiffs, respectively Jane Doe and Lily Loe (both pseudonyms), against the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Both allege harm arising from the 2023 Model Policies.

Doe is a high school student in York County who experienced persistent deadnaming by at least one teacher. Her school claimed that, under the 2023 Model Policies, it had to allow that behaviour, and gave Doe no options to escape other than rearranging her entire class schedule.

Loe is a middle school student in Hanover County who was prevented from participating in a girls’ sports team for which she was, at the time, unambiguously eligible, by a board which cited the 2023 Model Policies as pretext and then immediately changed the eligibility policy to definitively exclude her (American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia, 2023).

Plaintiffs contend that the 2023 Model Policies go beyond the limits of the VDOE’s Va. Code § 22.1–23.3 statutory authority for the issue of Model Policies of that kind. They are asking the Court to:

  • set aside the 2023 Model Policies, which it has the authority under Va. Code § 2.2–4029 to do;
  • issue a declaratory judgement that the VDOE exceeded the scope of its statutory authority in issuing the 2023 Model Policies, that the policies are contrary to law, that local school divisions are not required to adopt them, and that the Northam administration’s 2021 Model Policies remain in effect;
  • award them costs.

West Virginia

HB 5243

On Wednesday 14 February, the West Virginia House of Delegates passed HB 5243, “the West Virginia Women’s Bill of Rights”. According to Disney’s ABC News,

The legislation says “equal” does not mean “same” or “identical” with respect to equality of the sexes. It would define in statues [sic] and official public policies that a person’s sex is determined at birth and that gender equity terms may not be substituted. It would also establish that limiting certain environments, such as athletics, locker rooms, and bathrooms, to the use of people of one assigned sex only, is not discriminatory.

Ra (2024)


HB 156

On 12 February 2024, in the Wyoming House of Representatives, Rep. Rachel Rodriguez-Williams (R–HD50) introduced HB 156. If passed, HB 156 would require courts and other child protection entities to assume that it is not in a child’s best interest to receive gender-affirming medical care (McFarland, 2024).

HB 50

On 15 February 2024, HB 50 failed introduction in the Wyoming House. HB 50 would have defined “gender” as “sex assigned at birth” for all purposes of statutory interpretation, and would have banned trans people from using correctly gendered public accommodations of any sort.

The vote was 37–24 in favour. It failed anyway because the Wyoming State Legislature is in budget session until 8 March. During a budget session, introduction of a bill requires a two-thirds majority. Notably, the Wyoming House is 57–5 Republican; the bill failed because 19 Republicans joined the 5 Democrats in voting to kill it, earning them the ire of Wyoming’s far-right Freedom Caucus (Wolfson, 2024).

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1 — Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, sistergirl, brotherboy, and others. Sistergirl and brotherboy are trans identities specific to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

2 — i.e., the Greek parliament. “Greece” is an exonym derived from the Latin name of a Greek tribe who settled in Roman Italy; the Greek-language short name for Greece is Ελλάδα Elláda or Ελλάς Ellás, the people are Έλληνες Éllenes, the country is the Ελληνική Δημοκρατία Elleniké Demokratía (“Hellenic Republic”), and its institutions are named accordingly.


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An act concerning legally protected health care — gender-affirming treatment, SB 119, 2024 Regular Session, Maryland General Assembly (2024).

An act … enacting the forbidding abusive child transitions act, HB 2791, 2023–2024 Biennial, Kansas Legislature (2024).

An act … prohibiting gender transition surgery on minors (etc.), HB 2792, 2023–2024 Biennial, Kansas Legislature (2024).

An act … prohibiting healthcare providers from performing healthcare services on minors without parental consent, HB 2793, 2023–2024 Biennial Session, Kansas Legislature (2024).

An Act relating to public health and safety (etc.), HB 3219, 59th Oklahoma Legislature (2024).

An act relating to the term sex and related terms for purposes of statutory construction (etc.), HF 2389, 90th Iowa General Assembly (2024).

An act to amend Article 1 of Chapter 7 of Title 9 of the Official Code of Georgia Annnotated (etc.), SB 88, 2023–2024 Biennium, Georgia General Assembly (2024).

Άρση διακρίσεων λόγω φύλου στο Οικογενειακό Δίκαιο, κατοχύρωση δικαιώματος γάμου για όλα τα πρόσωπα και αναγκαίες προσαρμογές της νομοθεσίας Ársi diakríseon lógo fylou sto Oikogeneiakó Díkaio, katochyrosi dikaiómatos gámou gia óla ta prósopa kai anankaíes prosarmogés tis nomosthesías (Eliminating gender discrimination in Family Law, guaranteeing the right to marry for all persons and necessary adjustments to the legislation), Parliament of the Hellenes (2024).

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