- Translation: “The Republicans”
- Entity type: Political party
- Active in: France
- Date established: 23 April 2002
- Other names:
- Union pour un movement populaire (UMP; “Union for a popular movement”), from 23 April 2002 through 30 May 20151
- Website:
- primary:
- groupe Les Républicains au Senat:
Les Républicains are a French right-wing political party.
Subsidiary bodies
- the groupe Les Républicains au Sénat (“Les Républicains group in the Senate”), LR’s parliamentary group in the French Senate
2024, March 18. The groupe Les Républicains au Sénat (2024) publishes a report, Rapport sur la transidentification des mineurs (Report on the trans-identification of minors).
1 Wikipedia has separate articles for the UMP and LR. However, because the transition from UMP to LR was effected by an internal measure of the body corporate in question — i.e., it is not a different entity and there was no period of dissolution — Pyrophore treats the two entities as one and the same.
Groupe Les Républicains au Sénat (2024, March 18). Rapport sur la transidentification des mineurs [Report on the trans-identification of minors] [Report; in French]. Les Républicains. Retrieved 3 April 2024.